ampersandology: film. culture. words.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Marian the Librarian

by Jillian Butler, Ampersandology

This song is so boss. I used to listen to it on repeat in fifth grade, which should give you an idea of the strange delights of my childhood: back then, BRAVO! would run three old movies back to back every weekend, sometimes with a theme. Some weeks it was Westerns, some weeks it was musicals, and some weeks they would do films all starring a certain actor; the fun was in figuring out the connection, because sometimes it was more obscure, like a producer or similar sets of controversy. These weekends became my gateway drug to TCM, and I trusted this anonymous programmer to tell me what to sample as I made my way through classic cinema. So naturally, every week I woke up early to check the tv listings in the paper for what was playing.

One of those films was The Music Man (1962), which while not topping the glory of the previous year's West Side Story, DOES boast this most excellent sequence.

The Music Man (1962)

I'll be honest; if I ever met a librarian named Marian, I would probably woo her. Like, the chances are very good-- I'm no mathematician, but the odds are like 345%. The temptation of all the delicious rhymes and possibilities of bookstack sonatas would be too great, transcending technicalities like "gender."

Highlight: when Robert Preston rhymes "librarian" with "carrion." Genius, folks. We're in the presence of genius.

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