ampersandology: film. culture. words.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Faust has an app for that.

by Jillian Butler, Ampersandology

Apple gets all the cools kids to play in their yard, and it's starting to bum me out.

J. Schwartz AND the New Yorker together in one delightfully irreverent app ad? This is a Faustian trap if I've ever seen one. Not even the seductive suggestions of how J. Schwartz spends his free time will convince me Apple and its products are much more than the wounded suture of a society cleaving to its identity through the obsessive purchase of new shiny things! But you can save it Patty Hearst, I'm not buying any Stockholm Syndrome today.

You may have my number, Apple, but you do NOT have my home address.

(J. Schwartz, did you get my email? Are we going to the farmer's market next week or what?)

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