ampersandology: film. culture. words.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Guess who's got THE RIGHT STUFF.

by Jillian Butler,

You guys! It's time for Intellectual Crush of the Week! 

It's...Sam Shepard! OMD! 
Playwright and sexy ne'er do well.

If you're wondering why...well okay, we have our first problem. Because I provided a picture, and I'd think it would be self-explanatory. But if it wasn't, go back to the picture. I'll wait. 

Okay. So now you see. You know you're doing something right when Wikipedia describes your role in a Terrence Malick film as "handsome land baron." I feel like if anyone called him handsome to his face he'd scowl offstage (because obviously, we're on a stage) and fuel his unhappiness into his clenched fists. And I love that. 

"I built this house with my towering intellect.
And also tools."
If you still need clarification, FINE. I think what I admire most about Shepard is his tenacious resistance to being slotted comfortably into any role. Call him a playwright, and he'll become an actor. Call him an actor, and he'd buy a horse ranch or something. Then, just to really confuse you, he'll wait until you've admitted he can't be pegged to play banjo on a Patti Smith cover of "Smells Like Teen Spirit." THIS GUY! Wild horses...couldn't force us into a consensus. He also teaches and sits on committees and basically does everything, including knocking up Jessica Lange

She was in Tootsie, you guys. Tootsie

But for the really real reason he's my ICofW, I'll direct you to this podcast of the Moth. Listen to Sam recount a hilarious story from the set of The Right Stuff! Marvel at his humble mastery of anecdotal charm! Laugh at the appropriate junctures! 

I'd add more, but I'll be honest: he had me at the words the, right and stuff. That movie is marvelous, if only for inspiring a recent episode of Community and giving Ed Harris some more money: 

By the way, if you don't already follow The Moth podcast, why not? What's wrong with you? You don't have the Juno disease, do you, wherein you think you're too cool for school? Because I've got news for you, Walter Cronkite. You aren't

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Andrew M. said...

jillian. your blog is really good. i like reading it.

Andrew M. said...

jillian. your blog is really good. i like reading it. for serious!

Jillian Butler said...

Andrew, Andrew, I say the same to you. Who else would answer my questions about the Giller shortlist but Andrew M.?


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