ampersandology: film. culture. words.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pacey Witter: What's For Dinner

by Jillian Butler, Ampersandology

I stumbled across this picture of Joshua Jackson,* a still from his current paycheck Fringe, and I had but one thought.

Two syllable damn, Pacey Witter: you are looking good. 

And.  I think Jackson might be winning the break-up. The Dawson's Creek breakup, that is.

I mean, sure, Michelle Williams clearly has the indie darling cred, but other than that Jackson has no competition for Best Post Show Showing. Katie Holmes married Xenu and if it wasn't for James Van Der Beek's hilarious one-episode stint on How I Met Your Mother, I'm fairly certain it would have taken me ten minutes instead of two to remember all the working parts in his name.

So to update, this picture made me lean towards declaring Jackson a first runner up. Then I saw Pacey-Con, and I had to revise the standings.

Pacey wins. Hands down.

Let it be known: I would completely attend Pacey-Con. What? Are you too cool to admit you watched (NAY, LOVED) Dawson's Creek?  Oh whatever, haters. Dawson's Creek was instrumental in my formative years; how else would I have formed a near-monastic tendency to construct the most difficult syntax possible? The first season was great, man. So many syllables, so little time.

And I was always on Pacey's side, for the record. He loved Joey for who she really was! Also he was sensitive! He remembers everything, ladies. But most importantly, he was just enough of a jerk/nice guy mix so every female viewer could theorize how they would change his wild ways. Personally, I would have given him a PUPPY!

Man-changin'--ain't that all we really want, gals? FEMINISM FOR THE WIN!

Now please excuse me while I resist the urge to look up old Dawson's Creek plotlines on Wikipedia. Oh, look at that, I lost. Shucks!

*He's Canadian, don't you know. 

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