ampersandology: film. culture. words.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Culture Snaps - December 3rd

by Jillian Butler, Ampersandology

Fringe, Season 1

Yeah , I know. I didn't see this one coming either. And you know what? It's not bad. It's not good, either, but if there's one thing J.J. Abrams knows how to do, it's not tell you things you want to know. And in a television show, this leads the viewer to stick with it, not out of interest, not even out of pleasure. It's just human nature, man. WHAT IS IN THE GODDAMN BOX, JABRAMS? JUST TELL US ALREADY, IT'S BEEN LIKE TEN YEARS.  


Anyway. At its heart, Fringe is basically The X-Files lite, built on the presumption that a series of connected, supernatural events are unfurling in the modern world because of the rate technology is expanding. No, seriously, it's not bad, sort of the intellectual substitute for real whisky or actual coffee. Sure, it scratches an itch, but it will probably leave a rash. The first season is pretty compelling, in a totality-focused conspiracy sort of way. Mostly, though, it just makes me want to want The Parallax View again. 


Angela Carter, Burning Your Boats

What? I like fairy tales! Especially sexy, subversive ones. Also, in my defense, I have never claimed to be too cool for school. At least not to your face.  


I'm currently on a train halfway between Toronto and Montreal. What the hell else am I going to do? I had at least three or four episodes saved up, not to mention that I own all the compilations, so it's logical! LOGICAL, says I. 

Sigh. I swear to God, sometimes I'm too white to function. 

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