ampersandology: film. culture. words.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

X-Men First Class trailer

by Jillian Butler, Ampersandology

Wait a...hold on now. So the X-men solved the Cuban Missile Crisis? I mean, my instinct says to go for the easy jab and gesture to the mountain of history books currently propped up against my desk that disagree with that idea...but no. Not today. 

Because you know what? It is way too awesome for me to get mean. It is pointedly absurd and I love it. Kind of like how the inclusion of super-beings in Alan Moore's Watchman made the whole book sort of like a massive, decade-spanning version of Where's Waldo for historical events. Watchmen took it to epic levels, creating a vivid, alternate tapestry of skewed national memory. In comparison, this just seems cute. Precious, even. Like a seven-year old acting out Citizen Kane in their living room. 

...what? That's perfectly normal, right? Lots of kids...did...ahem. 

So despite the fact the history student in me should be fuming, instead a vision of Magneto floating Soviet submarines over the South Atlantic makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Some absurdities just reaffirm your faith in the world, you know? 

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be over here, pretending Spiderman showed up in Andy Warhol's Empire and spoiled the original take

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