ampersandology: film. culture. words.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Culture Snaps - August 16th

by Jillian Butler, Ampersandology


Notorious, 1946

Because after watching PBS's superb documentary on his life, "Cary Grant: A Class Apart", you go back to the drawing board for your idea of manhood. And by drawing board, I mean your myopic collection of DVDs which pretends the years 1986-1999 never happened. And by back, I mean you never left. And by you, I mean me.

In conclusion, Cary Grant is the boss.


Pictures at a Revolution by Mark Harris. 

Yes. Again


"Destroy Everything You Touch" by Ladytron, from 2009's Witching Hour
You know that too-hip French girl who you always see at the Starbucks by your apartment, but you're too shy to even tell her how cool her boots always look, or to ask her how exactly she does that to her scarf, and how if maybe sometime she was free you could catch a showing of Godard at Bloor Cinema?

Yeah. Well, this is what she's humming under her too-cool breath.

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