ampersandology: film. culture. words.

Friday, March 18, 2011


by Jillian Butler, Ampersandology

Who wants to party with this guy? 

Answer: who in their right mind doesn't

Franz Lizst: hailed by his contemporaries as one of the most technically advanced pianist of his time. And that time? The 1-9er century, all. Supposedly, he was frenemies with Chopin and basically, tried everything: wrote symphonies, toured Europe, wrote books and took NAMES. 

The man is wearing a functionless ribbon as adornment AND STILL LOOKS PIMP. That is true blue, people. True blue. 

But most importantly, Lizst invented Justin Bieber. How, you may ask? A little social phenomena called Lizstomania: 

Lisztomania was characterized by a hysterical reaction to Liszt and his concerts. Liszt's playing was reported to raise the mood of the audience to a level of mystical ecstasy. Admirers of Liszt would swarm over him, fighting over his handkerchiefs and gloves. Fans would wear his portrait on brooches and cameos. Women would try to get locks of his hair, and whenever he broke a piano string, admirers would try to obtain it in order to make a bracelet. Some female admirers would even carry glass phials into which they poured his coffee dregs. (Wikipedia)
Tight! So we have Franz Lizst to blame for the 13 year olds who swear fidelity to an over-hyped manic pixie dream boy. 

I imagine Franz Lizst as the 19th century Arthur: rich, drunk and juuuuuuuust smart enough to be dangerous. Oh, and the Dudley Moore version, not the uncomfortable looking production involving Russel Brand. I want to go on adventures around Vienna with this man. Besties = already forever. 

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Monica said...

He sounds like the pre-incarnation of Elvis.

I wonder what they did with the phials....

Jillian Butler said...

OMG. Proto-Elvis! I love it.

I don't think I want to know what they did with the phials. I'm pretty sure they still thought leeching wasn't the worst idea ever, so....


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